Model Horse Ranch Owned By SHARON KLEIN
Welcome to my Model Horse Ranch, "BLACK ARABIAN NIGHT'S"
Please feel free to scroll down, through this Introductory page, before you click on the "Tab Pages", to see what "Black Arabian Night's" is all about.
( No horses are "Real" unless stated otherwise!..This website is dedicated to my private collection of my Black Arabian Model Horses ).
New Foals
New Foals
Please click on the picture GIF below, to take you to the Sister Model Horse Farms affiliated with Black Arabian Night's and "The Syndicate Of The Black".
These are the farms where "The Black's" other Breeding stock are bred and kept, unless imported to America..."The Black" spends every other Year over on the Private Island Oasis in Bahrain, UAE-( Arabia ).
"The Black" is also privately bred and frozen semen is sent to our Breeding Farm in England for them to artificially Inseminate the mares, so that the foals to "The Black" are born every year.
Our "New" Ranch was recently opened in the beautiful tropics of Hawaii, and is actually the Academy, training ranch for our "Black Arabian Night's Performers" and other activities like taking part in 3-day event sports and dancing Arabians etc.
"The Black's" foals are all bred "PRIVATELY" and "NOT FOR SALE" ( Unless they are a gelding or a barren mare.)
This keeps us up to the present date, of all the recorded Breeding's by "The Black" and for 'BL-AN" to keep the lineage pure always to "The Black".
"SOME LIMITED" Outside Breeding's" by "The Black" are "ONLY PERMITTED BY THOROUGH AUTHORIZATION"....These horses, are NOT ALLOWED TO BREED outside of my 3 Farms. If they are bred, then the foal becomes the property of "BL-AN".