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I first started creating "Black Arabian Night's Palace Of The Horse" a couple of years ago, back in 2009.

I was really impressed and hooked and smitten after visiting the amazing white, real Palace Of The Horse at "Arabian Night's Dinner Show" in Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.

With it been classed as the special 'True Home Of Walter Farley's Black Stallion", I knew that I had found my New Arabian Model Horse Ranch, and would make it my own in miniature form, and name it "Black Arabian Night's".

Little did I know back then, that my model horse ranch would one day become a Tribute to the"Arabian Night's Dinner Show-Palace Of The Horse, when the owner, "Mark Miller" closed the Dinner Show down and moved all of the Arabian horses etc to his new Arabian Horse Ranch at "Al Marah Arabians, in Claremont Florida in December 2013. Mark later sold most of the "Arabian Night's" horses, only keeping a handfull of the Arabians, to settle  in with his deceased Mother "Bazy Tankersley", "Al Marah Arabians" herd of Arabian Mares from Arizona.

I sadly had to pack my "Palace Of The Horse" building away when I moved house, and because it was a  smaller new home, I have not been able to re-build up my Palace at the moment....But in saying that, I am hoping to soon, when we get the chance to move house again, this time into a larger home, where I will re-build it again in my new Model Horse Studio room...."Eq-Clonia Studios / Black Arabian Night's".

But for now, here are the pictures for you to enjoy seeing of what I started building for "Black Arabian Night's Palace Of The Horse"

Table Prep And Lay-Out

New "Palace Of The Horse"                 ( Work In Progress )

Black Arabian Night's

"Palace Of The Horse"

More Progress PicturesTo Come Soon!

Copyright-August-2022-By SHARON KLEIN.--All images on this website of my Black Arabian custom and resin model horses, and buildings in progress, are copyright property of "Sharon Klein".

These pictures may not be used, copied, reproduced, altered in any form or by any means, and no use of  breeding s to my horses, without permission in writing from the owner, SHARON KLEIN will be allowed.

Last updated...August 2022.

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