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Model Horses That Portray The Life Of


                    These special model horses, portray the fictitious life of the "WF Black Stallion".

From his birth and youthfulness. to the sometimes calmness of the stallion to the utmost wildness of the stallion.

Some are "Breyer Horses", some are picture ideas, some are 'Artist Resin', and some are my own "Original Sculptures".

AISURE In Labor Arab Mare OS Promo3 - Smaller.jpg
EQS-Young Shetan Idea-VER-2-Jpeg - Smaller.jpg

Copyright-August-2022-By SHARON KLEIN.--All images on this website of my Black Arabian custom and resin model horses, and buildings in progress, are copyright property of "Sharon Klein".

These pictures may not be used, copied, reproduced, altered in any form or by any means, and no use of  breeding s to my horses, without permission in writing from the owner, SHARON KLEIN will be allowed.

Last updated...August 2022.

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